Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bumps In The Road on the way to Haiti....

Since my last post...  the road to Haiti has been bumpy.

I missed an important meeting because I did not get the email annoucing it. 

There were more interested in the trip than spots left.

I was told that I may not be going.... and that caused me all kinds of feelings.

I filled out the application and all... only to have my deposit slip out of the envelope and land on the office floor.  I never noticed until Pastor Les told me.  I thought that for sure that I was done, that nothing was going to happen now.

The concern that got me the most was that I started to doubt that I had heard God's Calling, that I was  wrong in that.  I had to really pray about that, as to doubt that  I heard God's voice tell me to get ready to go.... that all these feelings that I had for Haiti were wrong-- just didn't jive with the God that I know. 

That's when I a new prayer started in my heart... if not with my church Lord, with whom shall I go to Haiti with?   Every inch of my being told me that I was to go to Haiti, too many things in my life were working the right way to go... 

On Jan. 09, 2011 my application went in.... now all I had to do was wait....

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