Friday, January 21, 2011

Preparation Begins....

I am blessed.  My family is thrilled that I am going, and that I am following through with God's leading and direction.  I work for a company that is behind me in this adventure of going to Haiti.  I have a wonderful Home Fellowship Group that have been praying for me, and continue to do so.  I attend a Truth Project Small Group, who celebrate with me the small victories towards Haiti.  I have friends, coworkers and clients helping me relearn my french so that I can communicate and understand.

I have been getting a lot of email with preparation tools attached.  I love it.   The more prepared that I am, the less shock it will be when I get down there. 

It's in this preparation that I pause and think: God is working.   I was reminded at a play on Wednesday that people from small towns, not unlike what I grew up in, can make a difference globally.  I am not scared to go down with the cholera outbreak, the political unrest, the bugs with malaria: I know that I am to go down, and that God will cover me and protect me.  I have people all over the country praying for me, helping me lay down the ground work for the work that will be going on whilst in Jacmel, Haiti.  The people of Jacmel, Haiti are friendly and welcoming to us. 

What will I be doing?  Sounds like the ministry activities change weekly based on what the need is, opportunities that arise and who is all in my team.  Typically, there are groups that are sent to various location daily: children programs in local schools, remote locales and orphanges.  Construction projects and medical assistance at the hospital are also part of the daily activities.(Construction work may consist of demolition, repair, and new construction of interim schools, churches, orphanges, and homes; fabrication of school benches and church pews.)  Night time activities may include film outreaches and local church visits.  Some other ideas are receiving and unloading food and medical supplies, food and clothing distribution, remote community outreach, special sports outreach events and more.  Exciting to hear, isn't it?

My prayers:
1. That I will be used to God's Glory and Will in Haiti
2. Team Safety, Unity and Effectiveness
3. That I die to self and live for Him
4. My heart for the poor, underserved, underpriviledge will continue to grow
5. My lessons learned on the field will transfer to my employment and life in Calgary.
6. I am shy - pray that I will grow BOLD and share my testimony (the more eternal my perspective, the more intitiative I take, the more I will touch hearts and see God's glory!)
7. I am trusting that all I need will be provided- I pray that this will happen
8. There is someone in Haiti God has destined me to cross paths with : pray for this divine meeting.
9. I will be expecting discomfort and challenges: I want to be pulled and pushed  however I want to be able to do this with a dependency and faith in the LORD to pull me through.
10. I know that God is working through me to touch lives (in Canada and in Haiti), however, He is STILL working in me to make me more like Himself.
11. Pray for flexibility, willingness, and that I will be molded in His loving hands.

Lord, use me as Your hands, Your feet, Your voice in Haiti.  Thank you for the team that you have brought together.  Thank you for the leadership, preparation and the work that is going on in Haiti, and in Calgary.

1 comment:

MedMissions said...

I am excited for you as the Lord has chosen you to go to Haiti. Great to hear others helping you get along on this journey. Blessings to you and your team. God bless yor going and coming. Please post about your trip when you come back.