Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The tickets have arrived!

Yesterday, in my email, I received a very precious step towards Haiti.
 The plane tickets!! 
I get to explore Dallas Fort Worth for a few hours, a few hours overnight in Puerto Rico and then land in Haiti very early in the am for a complete day in Haiti!

To me, this is just a small step... something tangible.

With minus 25 Celcius weather today, this is getting exciting!  Today in Port Au Prince,  Haiti the weather is PLUS 30 Degree Weather which feels like plus 34.   YAY!! 

That is going to be a welcome change!


MedMissions said...

I'm soo excited for you. Blessings to you and your team. Praise God!! wuhooo!

Puerto Rico eh?? Nice!

Louise Gallagher said...

Ohhh Christa -- how exciting!

And thanks for commenting over at my place! You are amazing!
